The course Security-protected procurement is held at JP Infonet on 24 September 2024.
It will also be held in the spring of 2025 on March 6, 09.30-13.30.

The autumn season begins in August with a larger tender assignment.

Created various agreements and other documents for the transition of operations in a contracting company.

I have submitted bids for four public procurement tenders in the construction sector for a client during January and February. My client won all four tenders! The best way to end the workweek is when you receive such joyful news that demonstrates the value of my services for my clients.


"I will speak on the topic of Security Protection and Secure Procurement at Nohrcon's Procurement Conference in Copenhagen on November 24. Special Day for Swedish Public Procurement Professionals 2023."

Commencing update of contract templates within Partnering for Nohrstedts Publishing.

Assisting a client with pension-related matters towards the Swedish Pensions Agency (SPV) and KPA Pension.

Numerous review processes have extended over the summer, providing interesting written correspondence.

Assisting clients in residence permit cases.


Today, one of our clients signs a contract with Stockholmsmässan after we helped with a tender project in staffing.


It has been a very exciting start to the year, with several tender assignments where we pulled in public business in the contracting industry for large amounts, carried out procurements of security technology and contracting procurement within schools, not least the basis for framework agreements for partnering procurement of contracting-related services.

New Publication!

Securityprotection and security protected procurement -

New Title 2022 (Only in Swedish)

New Publication! "Säkerhetsskyddet och upphandlande myndigheter in Upphanldingsrättslig Tidsskrift. UrT nummer 2022 nr 3." Publication of Article concerning Security and Public Procurement. 

New procurement project within Works.

A client we helped with a tender a couple of months ago won the procurement in film production! 

We are now working on two large tender assignments in addition to a number of review cases and appeals.

Success in two cases of secrecy in the Administrative Court of Appeal in Gothenburg.

Represents a very nice and hard-working entrepreneur also CEO of a factory company in a migration goal.


We regularly represent several clients in court cases. 


Our revised and expanded version of the book Security-protected procurement is now for sale at Jure publishing. Click on the book to order at jure.se


We are carrying out a major EPC contract procurement  for a municipality in Sweden. 


Inköpsrådet. Article. The corona virus has had major consequences for the outside world, not least an increased threat that places increased demands on security protection among contracting authorities and suppliers. The security protection legislation must be taken seriously, write the lawyers Christoffer Stavenow and Max Thimmig.


Our lawyers Christoffer Stavenow and Max Thimmig are interviewed about security protection agreements by SBSC, Swedish Fire and Security Certification. You can find the entire interview by clicking the button below!