Stavenow Law Firm specializes in providing legal services within the field of law to both authorities and businesses. As an experienced attorney, I can assist with various matters, including bids in public procurement and handling processes in administrative courts. I also practice contract law and can provide advice and support in this area. Thanks to my expertise and experience, I have a successful track record of winning bids for my clients, provided that objective criteria can be met and the price is right. Let me help you achieve your goals efficiently and successfully.

We offer advice to public sector organizations as well as private companies.

We are your partners during the tender process. Seeing that you are the ones with the best understanding of your own business, it is our assignment to help you present this for the procuring authority in the best way.

Throughout the years we have assisted everything from major international companies to sole proprietors in achieving successful tenders. Before commencing our work, we always obtain an understanding for your business: what are your goals and what is the main objective of the business deal in question? We want to present the strengths and qualities that make you the best alternative for the authority. After this, we commonly produce the documentation required by the authority. Finally, we review the tender and make sure to produce the best possible quality of tenders before it is submitted to the authority.

We look forward to answering any questions you may have – please feel free to contact us at any time! We offer day to day counseling, act as advisors, offer judicial investigations and advise you in all your business needs. No question is too small or too simple – even the minor issues can have a large effect on your business agreement. A lot of obstacles can be avoided if knowledge regarding the requirements is known in advance, saving you both time and costs.

Rewiew Procedure

Our firm has obtained special competence as counselors for review procedures. Through the years, our firm has successfully represented clients in a large amount of court proceedings. If you believe that you should have won an agreement or if your opinion of the procurement differs from that of the authority, please feel free to contact us.

Our work shall be of use to our clients and a review procedure is not always the best option. We review and present the conditions and alternatives to a court proceeding before recommending a certain strategy.

If our opinion is that an obstacle can be overcome without a costly court proceeding, then we will inform you about it. We always provide the best advice and conditions in order for you to make the wisest decision.


Anders Stavenow


Christoffer Stavenow 


Stavenow advokatbyrå
Prästgårdsvägen 22

187 75 Täby



+46 (0)8 400 20 865